Filicheva Alla Grigoryevna, 38  

Hospital assistant and acmeologist by diploma.

11 years of clinic practice. Since 1995 self-realization fellowship groups run and karmic-related consulting. Registered practice.

Dear visitor,

Thank you for attention to this amazing but really such a natural topic investigation of inside world and fate of a man.

I have to say straight away I dont practice bioenergy-wise and witchcraft on a good luck. I deal with causes of the situation, prompt the way to get it right. I find recorded in subconscious or in causal fields of the person addressed. As usual, solution includes realization of the situation and action to get it right. The way of intelligent man is to remove causes of a problem instead of struggle with its consequences. In the most of all cases the problems inside, so only the man can remove it.

In my report I help my client to understand messages from his or her own soul striving not just to solve the problem, but streamline the way, bring more sense, joy and happiness to the life. I append nothing to the information, but have to decrypt it into words, explaining causes of events and actions to take.

I read and decipher information from the causal body comes with colors, structures and sounds. In the case of illness I investigate causal fields of the organ or system in disorder. I investigate the clinical characteristics of the disease the state, the history of the case and the cause of disease. Usually the cause is in individual or in family karma. The sketch and the plan of life is kept in causal body too. I take into account the previous lives too, because the individuality comes from the experience.

Propensities for some occupations can illustrate it. If in the past incarnations a man did some kind of business, one can continue to grow the mastership and succeed in it. But if the soul found it has got enough experience of the kind, one should try the new one the soul want. The ability of education also grows step-by-step. I had a case when parents failed to make their son to enter to the university. He had to finish a college first.

The terms which would make us happy are damped often by dark and heavy clouds of energy in karmic bodies. They caused by troubles and misunderstandings in the past. As usual, people keep their closed connections through many lives. If the problem is beyond your strength, I can investigate the karma of each person, and find out the solution (is it right to part or they should revive their terms with patience and so on). Also I can instruct on the proper way to do it and about the time limits to solve the problem.

On request on the aim and the plan of the life I can propose you another gift the meaning of last your thoughts and dreams at ones previous death. That time a man observes his life and tells his soul the wish to change or obtain something personally important for him. The wish becomes the testament between a man and his soul and the key theme of the next life.

Concerning serious diseases, the usual way is to get rid of pains by pills or therapy.  Very often it brings just a temporary remission. Being completed with psychosomatic therapy through realization of the information given and corrections in feelings and behave, it will help to restore energetic fields of the organ or system will keep it right. Each organ and even a tiny cells fields reflected in subconscious. If it could help, I inform the client on the wish of his sick organ. Otherwise I just give the prescription. The primary spiritual energy comes to human body through the top of head. Then it distributed via vertebral column, accepting the information from fields of a body. So I investigate the state of vertebral column first.

If  the decision is serious enough, it become the challenge. If too much depends on your choice dont hesitate to fill the application form.

All the best,

Alla Filicheva.



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